Paul Bouwer
Senior Software Engineer @ Microsoft
Paul Bouwer is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. He works closely with the Azure Engineering teams and provides hands-on guidance to customers on their Azure and Kubernetes journeys. Paul tweets regularly at @pbouwer from destinations around the world, and his home in Brisbane, Australia.
workshopIntroduction to the Virtual Kubelet
The open source Virtual Kubelet project provides an alternative implementation of the kubelet, which adds a virtual node to your Kubernetes cluster. This virtual node can be backed by a variety of providers, including serverless container infrastructure like Azure Container Instances and AWS Fargate. In this workshop, we'll explore how the virtual kubelet works and how to install it in your Kubernetes cluster. Then we'll look at providers and the different scenarios that can be supported.
Conference add-on: Register (£129)
workshopBuilding a provider for the Virtual Kubelet
The open source Virtual Kubelet project provides an alternative implementation of the kubelet, which adds a virtual node to your Kubernetes cluster. This virtual node can be backed by a variety of providers, including serverless container infrastructure like Azure Container Instances and AWS Fargate. In this workshop, we'll build on the "Introduction to the Virtual Kubelet" workshop. We will walk through what a provider looks like and then build our own. * It is recommended to have attended the "Introduction to the Virtual Kubelet" workshop before this one.
Conference add-on: Register (£129)
Meet our international lineup of container experts
Learn about security, orchestration, networking and more
- Lin SunIBMtalk
talkIstio - Weaving, Securing and Observing microservices
Lin is an Istio contributor and maintainer, a member of the Istio steering committee and technical oversight committee. She is passionate about new technologies and love to play with them. She is a master inventor, currently, holds 100+ patents filed or pending with USPTO along with hundreds of articles published at
More about Lin Sun
- Aleksa SaraiSUSEtalk
talkContainer Images Considered Harmful
Aleksa Sarai is a core developer and maintainer of runc and umoci, contributor to the Open Container Initiative specifications. In addition, he's contributed to the Linux kernel as part of his work on containers. He works on the Kubernetes core team at SUSE, maintaining various core parts of the lower levels of the Kubernetes stack and related software for both SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE; he is also committed to working in the open, and is astrong proponent of Free Software.
More about Aleksa Sarai
- Matt ButcherMicrosofttalk
talkOpening Keynote
Matt Butcher is the head of the CNCF Helm project. He is a principal engineer at Microsoft, where he leads the cloud native open source team that works on Draft, Brigade, Kashti, and Helm. He is the author of eight technical books (most recently "Go in Practice" with Matt Farina). He also wrote the Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes. Matt holds a Ph.D. in philosophy, and teaches in the computer science department at Loyola University Chicago. Matt enjoys a good cup of coffee and a quiet hike in the woods.
More about Matt Butcher
- Lakmal WarusawithanaWSO2workshop
workshopCloud Native Programming with Docker and Kubernetes
Lakmal Warusawithana is the Senior Director - Cloud Architecture of WSO2. Lakmal has a long history of working in open source, cloud, and DevOps technologies and has been Vice President of Apache Stratos PaaS Project. Lakmal is the core architect and key contributor for containerization and deployment orchestration of Ballerina, cloud native programing language. Lakmal has also presented at numerous events, including ApacheCon, CloudOpen, QCon, JaxLondon, Cloud Expo, Cloudstack Collaboration Conference, WSO2Con, and many tech meetups.
More about Lakmal Warusawithana
- Claudia BeresfordPivotaltalk
talkThe Route To Rootless Containers
Claudia is a Software Engineer at Pivotal. She has worked on various bits of CloudFoundry since 2015, and is now part of CF's container runtime team.
More about Claudia Beresford
- Christian BraunerCanonicaltalk
talkFilesystem mounts in user namespaces
Christian Brauner is a core developer and maintainer of the LXD and LXC projects. He works mostly upstream for Canonical as part of the Ubuntu Server team on the Linux Kernel and lower-level problems. He's been active in the open source community for a long time and is a frequent speaker at various large Linux events; he is also strongly committed to working in the open, and a strong proponent of Free Software.
More about Christian Brauner
- Michael DucySysdigworkshoppanel
workshopContainer Troubleshooting & Security
panelAsk The Experts: State of Container Security (Panel)
Michael Ducy currently works as Director of Community & Evangelism for Sysdig where he is responsible for growing adoption of Sysdig’s open source solutions. Previously, Michael worked at Chef where we held a variety of roles helping customers and community members leverage Chef’s open source and paid solutions, as well as implement the ideas and practices of DevOps. Michael has also worked in a variety of roles in his career including Cloud Architecture, Systems Engineering, and Performance Engineering.
More about Michael Ducy
- Sarah YoungVersenttalkpanel
talkDon’t be a fail whale: secure your containers
panelAsk The Experts: State of Container Security (Panel)
Sarah is a security architect currently based in Melbourne, Australia. She has previously worked in New Zealand, the UK and Europe across a range of industry sectors. Sarah comes from an infrastructure engineering background and deployed enterprise-grade WAN, LAN and VoIP solutions before moving into the security space and providing independent security consulting to a range of businesses and organisations. In her current role at Versent, Sarah helps enterprises move into the cloud securely, design their secure pipeline and adopt automated security processes.
More about Sarah Young
- Henning JacobsZalandotalk
talkRunning Kubernetes in Production: A Million Ways to Crash Your Cluster
Henning joined Zalando in the beginning of 2010 and accompanied the transformation of Zalando’s technology department through the eras of PHP/MySQL and Java/PostgreSQL to the new world of “Radical Agility”. He helped building the AWS/STUPS cloud infrastructure to make innovation scale across autonomous teams. Henning is currently responsible for the developer journey at Zalando. His five teams help streamline the developer experience by providing a cloud-native application runtime to 200+ engineering teams.
More about Henning Jacobs
- James RelphCapgeminitalk
talkPragmatic Pod Patterns: Leveraging sidecar containers in Kubernetes
James is a Senior Platform Engineer with Capgemini. James spent 12 years corralling Unix systems for companies around the UK, before working with clients across several industries in early transitions to AWS. Since joining Capgemini he has primarily worked with public sector clients dealing with large scale AWS estates, Kubernetes clusters and CI/CD pipelines.
More about James Relph
- Paul BouwerMicrosoftworkshop
workshopIntroduction to the Virtual Kubelet
workshopBuilding a provider for the Virtual Kubelet
Paul Bouwer is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. He works closely with the Azure Engineering teams and provides hands-on guidance to customers on their Azure and Kubernetes journeys. Paul tweets regularly at @pbouwer from destinations around the world, and his home in Brisbane, Australia.
More about Paul Bouwer
- Liz RiceAqua Securitypanel
panelAsk The Experts: State of Container Security (Panel)
Liz Rice is the Technology Evangelist with container security specialists Aqua Security, and also works on container-related open source projects including manifesto and kube-bench. She has a wealth of software development, team, and product management experience from working on network protocols and distributed systems, and in digital technology sectors such as VOD, music, and VoIP. When not writing code, or talking about it, Liz loves riding bikes in places with better weather than her native London.
More about Liz Rice
- Joe GardinerPortworxworkshop
workshopRunning databases in Kubernetes
Joe Gardiner is the EMEA Technical Solutions Lead at Portworx. He has a wide breadth of experience in the containerisation and DevOps space having previously worked for organisations such as Docker, Chef, and Rackspace. He helps businesses solve their data persistence problems for the next wave of containerisation - big data and data services. Joe has worked across sectors including finance and government to help businesses adopt new technologies.
More about Joe Gardiner
- Andrew MartinControl Planeworkshoppanel
workshopBullet-Proof Kubernetes Clusters: Learn by Hacking
panelAsk The Experts: State of Container Security (Panel)
Andrew has a strong test-first engineering ethos gained architecting and deploying high-traffic web applications. Proficient in systems development, testing, and maintenance, he is comfortable profiling and securing every tier of a bare metal or cloud native application, and has battle-hardened experience delivering containerised solutions to enterprise clients. He is a co-founder at
More about Andrew Martin
- Luke AddisonJetstackworkshop
workshopAdvanced Kubernetes Wargaming
Luke is a Linux and Kubernetes systems engineer with a keen interest in understanding how technologies work from the ground up. He joined Jetstack almost a year ago as a Solutions Engineer and has spent that time training and advising customers on how to get the most out of Kubernetes at scale, as well as contributing to the open source ecosystem.
More about Luke Addison
- Stuart LeeksMicrosoftworkshop
workshopIntroduction to the Virtual Kubelet
workshopBuilding a provider for the Virtual Kubelet
By day, Stuart Leeks is a Software Engineer working for Microsoft in the UK. He has worked with a wide range of customers from small ISVs to large enterprises to help them be successful building with the Microsoft technology stack. Whilst Stuart has experience of a diverse set of technologies, he is most passionate about the web and cloud. Stuart is a web geek, lover of containers, cloud nut, feminist, performance & scalability enthusiast, father of three, husband, salsa dancer & teacher, and loves bad puns. He has been writing code since the days of the BBC Micro and still gets a kick out of it.
More about Stuart Leeks
- Ashley WardTwistlockpaneltalk
panelAsk The Experts: State of Container Security (Panel)
talkUnsure to Secure: How to Deploy + Scale Kubernetes Securely
Ashley Ward is a Solution Architect for Twistlock. He helps customers implement a container platform securely and with confidence. He brings 15+ years of experience to bear making full use of his experience in Unix operations for a utilities company, infrastructure architecture for a media company and taking a financial services company into public cloud and containers. A firm believer that developers deliver business value and should be empowered and supported by operational principles. He likes the idea of sailing but never seems to make time to do that anymore.
More about Ashley Ward
- Neil PetersonMicrosofttalk
talkConsuming cloud services with the Kubernetes Service Catalog
Neil Peterson is a datacenter and cloud enthusiast. With 15 years' experience in large datacenter deployment, management and maintenance operations, Neil now works as a Senior content engineer delivering technical documentation and samples with focus on Azure and Containers.
More about Neil Peterson
- Ben HallKatacodaworkshop
workshopDocker Orchestration
Ben is the founder of Katacoda (, an interactive learning and training platform for software engineers. Katacoda specialises in enabling developers to understand Cloud-Native technologies including Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift.
More about Ben Hall